Having heard such wonderful things from a variety of sources, this week I finally made it down to Camden to check out just how good the Camden charity shop scene really is. Boasting names such as Oxfam, YMCA, Mind and the much anticipated Traid, I was excited to get stuck in, despite being a little hungover .
Here are my conclusions.
1) Camden has some of the most stylish looking charity shops around.
at this beautiful display in Oxfam's charity shop
Traid looks more 'back stage of a film set' than charity shop!
2) The prices were very reasonable considering that most of the shops have tapped into the 'retro' spirit.
Shoes for £8, and tops for £6! It's so refreshing to see such reasonable prices compared to many other London charity shops. With Traid looking as 'hip' as it does, I was expecting everything to be marked up to the max but oh no, they sure know how to keep it real!!
3) It still remains that some of the best charity shops are the least talked about!
Despite being very impressed by Oxfam, Traid and YMCA's beautifully 'decked' out shops, I will always be a rummager at heart. Luckily, as I was about to leave, I stumbled across a very old fashioned Mind shop opposite Sainsbury's on Kentish Town Road. It certainly had less of the glam of the other 3 shops and going inside was like stepping back a few decades. I immediately I felt more at home and began my delve into the unknown! Despite the less than friendly service, it wasn't long before I picked up a white and gold jumper that will happily see me through these winter months for the measly sum of £4.00.